
THE AUDIENCE MAKES THE SHOW is NOW available on AMAZON! Get it here!

George’s QUEST is a screenplay I’m adapting from two books Dark Sun: Te Rapunga and the Quest of George Dibbern by Erika Grundmann and Quest by George Dibbern, amplifying the voice of the “first world citizen” philosopher and sailor, Captain George Dibbern (1889-1962) and his 32-foot ketch called Te Rapunga presently experiencing a resurrection herself.

It’s Not A Safe Space But It’s Where We Live: Listening to Stew and the Negro Problem’s Notes of a Native Song and Total Bent by Wally for The Brooklyn Rail, November 2018.

The Presence of the Audience: Political Theatre in the Real World by Wally was published in 2016 in THE BRIDGE journal by Elysium. 

Interview or Who’s Afraid of Mr. Albee? is a transcription of an interview I conducted with the great maverick American playwright Mr. Edward Albee.  The first third of the play however had to be written from memory due to my mini-disc recorder failing to function during the first part of the interview.  The play is written in classic Albee style and is the best portrait I could muster of a man I truly admire and respect.

Albee quote

Here’s my interview called Listening to Robert Wilson.  I was an assistant to Robert Wilson for two weeks in January of 1995 as he choreographed with the Martha Graham Dance Company.  In the summer of 2007, photographer Jeffery Price and I went to visit Bob at the Watermill Center.  We came away with an insightful interview and this portrait.BobClick to read some of the plays and musicals I’ve brought to the page and stage.

Jack of Tarts: a bittersweet musical written w/ Chris Tanner & Paul Johnson

Suc Daddy: an urban operetta  libretto by Molly Gallagher

Breasts of Tiresias: A Surrealist Musical  based on Guillaume Apollinaire

Cain by Wally

The Didi Plays by Wally

Plays for kids.

Moses in Five Acts for Passover

The Tale of the Thanksgiving Ladybug for Thanksgiving

Bob Winging It adaptation of Joe Jamaldinian’s book

Poppleton and Friends adaptation of Cynthia Rylant’s stories

Want to write a play?  Here’s A Playwright’s Manual in PDF

pen and paperHere it is in .DOC

My September 11, 2001 diary from Manhattan … The Last Days of the Year With No Name.

the view from Brooklyn nowAn article about the attempted sale of the Stanton Street Shul.                     Twilight on the Lower East Side

synagogue gone 6

And for your Passover seder, here’s The Feel Free Haggadah.

feel free 2

Here is some music from my shows:

Madeleine Besson as The People of Zanzibar

Madeleine Besson as The People of Zanzibar


(based on Guillaume Apollinaire’s Les Mamelles de Tirésias)

Produced by Amy Wood / NEW YORK AVENUE

Adapted and Directed by Eric Wallach

Music by Jeremy Bernstein and Madeleine Besson

Encore: This is the Time

Encore: This is the Time

 Click on titles to hear:

No Mister Husband

Zanzibar Needs Children


Sweet Poppet

This is the Time


by Eric Wallach & Chris Tanner

Music by Paul Johnson

Lyrics by Johnson, Tanner and Wallach

Produced and Directed by Eric Wallach

La Mama E.T.C. February 2007

Chris Tanner as the Jack of Tarts photo by J. Price

Chris Tanner as the Jack of Tarts photo by J. Price

You take me, Tartannia

You take me, Tartannia

Have a listen:


I Wonder

This Entire Town Smells Like Shit

Morning Song

The View From the Sidelines


Michael Lynch as Agnes